How To Prevent Home Tech From Being Hacked

Smart homes are increasing in popularity because they offer a lot of conveniences. But in the digital age, relying on technology can leave your devices vulnerable to hacks and breaches. These attacks can be defined as “destroying the integrity of the data or stealing controlled information.” Not only does this leave users at risk, but it can also pose many dangers to overall home security.

If you have a smart home or are planning to integrate technology into your place of living, there are a few steps you can take to prevent hackers from gaining access to personal information. Here are some safety precautions you should be taking:

Have strong passwords

One of the main vulnerabilities smart homes have comes down to having weak or unsecured networks. As these devices typically communicate with each other and gain functionality through the internet, it is important to create a password for your WiFi that is difficult to guess. Hackers will typically use software to figure out what passwords are being used so integrating different letters, numbers, and special characters will make a big difference.

There are a few ways people can create practical passwords. Create a four or five-word phrase that you can remember. This can be something you find funny, an interest you have, or even a saying you like. Change a few letters into symbols or add them randomly throughout the code. Be sure to also integrate numbers to increase your password’s strength. Practicing these steps will increase the time it would take a program to guess your passkey and detract hackers from gaining access.

Use devices that don’t pose threats

While vulnerabilities are pretty common, there are a few ways you can avoid them actively. One way is to not use devices that pose unnecessary risks. For one, many robot vacuums have cameras to help navigate the area. While this makes using it convenient, it also leaves room for hackers to gain visual access to your home.

The Eufy RoboVac 11s is an example of a safe and reliable option. It lies on the more affordable side but still does a great job at cleaning. Its compact nature also allows it to fit in various nooks and crannies around your home.

Because it doesn’t have a camera, it has a tendency to bump around obstacles to find a clear path. While this can pose a minor inconvenience for users, there is no chance that a hacker can use this appliance for a cyber attack.

When choosing what tools to add to your smart home, consider what risks they pose and whether you can defend yourself against them.

Buy from reputable brands

The last way to avoid a cyber attack is to buy products from reputable brands. Smart technology can be pricey so it may be enticing to purchase from unknown companies. But in doing so, you are leaving yourself vulnerable to hacks.

Part of the reason products from reputable brands cost so much is because they have a tried and tested security system in place that is effective. The same cannot be said for unknown companies.

For example, when choosing which smart assistant to add to your ecosystem, it may be best to buy from bigger businesses. Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Nest are great options because these corporations take user safety very seriously. A smart assistant isn’t something you want to skimp on either because most of your devices will be connected to them.

People use their voice command options to run different aspects of a smart home, from turning lights on to starting their washing machine. With so many devices connected to one hub, it is important that you are using a smart assistant that is secure. Reputable brands can offer that better than knock-offs.

When it comes to creating a smart home, cybersecurity should be a top priority. These are just a few ways you can stay vigilant against possible attacks from hackers.

Article specially prepared for
by Margaret Arthur

Margaret Arthur

Margaret Arthur is a freelance writer and tech enthusiast. She loves to read and research the latest gadget developments and how they fit into our daily lives. When she isn't working, she likes to knit while listening to podcasts.


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